Tuesday 21 June 2011

Day 1 Rome (June 21)

Landed safely in Rome after an extremely long flight, not very comfortable trying to sleep in economy class and you get a very sore butt, nontheless we all survived and without any jetlag. We all travelled well on the plane although both the girls got overtired and felt sick. A nine hour wait at the Hong Kong airport seemed to last a long time. 
Landed at Rome
What a fascinating City, ruins everywhere can’t wait to hear more about all those places when we go on tour.

Our hotel is a little place hidden down a very small, narrow cobblestone street - it is about a 10 minute walk to the Colosseum in one direction and a 10 minute walk to the Pantheon in the other direction so very central.  The archeological marvels here are immense, almost everywhere you look around our neighbourhood has got historical significance.
Our hotel

Walking the tiny lanes to our hotel
We have the next 2 days wondering around Rome and pick up our coach tour this coming Thursday.

We have learnt that the coffee places do not open early, the city is very, very old and looks it, our room has no tea coffee making facilities, the little lanes are just as you see them in the movies and I am sure there will be other stuff we can tell you as time goes by.

Having troubles contacting via internet, the room isnt quite within reach of the wifi connection so using a public one for now.  Here for two days then shifting to another hotel to start the bus tour so maybe easier then.

All I can say is “wish you were here to see with your own eyes”!!
Bye for now love to all, chat soon.

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