Wednesday 22 June 2011

Day 2 - Rome (June 22)

Another 30 plus degree day – sunny from sunrise to sunset, no wind, wonderful.

Did the obligatory open top bus tour a few times trying to soak it all in, traffic jams and all.

Catel Sant-Angelo (Castle of the Angels)
 Fountain at The Vatican - the window second from the right on the top floor is the Pope's room
 Small group playing cards in the shadows of The Vatican!
The Swiss Guards at The Vatican
Everyone says the Rome traffic is mad but I am not convinced.  Where we would have 3 or 4 lanes neatly marked in paint that is not the case here, there is a centre line that sometimes is obeyed but the rest is open slather – if 4 or 5 cars can fit line abreast the road then that’s OK and they change from one side to the other if there is a space (and sometimes when there is not).  If a driver has any doubts then they would have no hope, its not for the indecisive…. 

Actually drivers are probably more courteous than in Australia as they do let others into spaces etc.  But do something wrong and a healthy sounding of the horn accompanied by hand waving and some choice Italian phrases will definitely follow.

Walking in Rome involves a certain level of trust, most road crossings are not controlled by lights so when you look up at five or six lanes of assorted cars, buses and motor bikes all approaching at speed you must step off the footpath and trust they will stop.  Not easy but there is no other way as there are few if any breaks in the traffic it is so busy. 

Took lots of photos today but found the camera to USB connection we bought was the wrong size. 
Fiat Police Cars
Dinner tonight was pasta of various types in a little café just down the road from our hotel.  after dinner it was a simple stroll back along the little cobble stoned alley way to our hotel for a refreshing couple of hours on the roof top open bar and garden.  Just perfect.

Drinks after dinner on hotel roof top garden
 Sneaking a drink
 View from our hotel roof top garden
View from our hotel roof top garden

Bye for now love to all, chat soon.


  1. Eagerly awaiting photos!! Major bummer about the USB connection! Nathanael says to tell you it's cold down here. xoxox Jac and Boys

  2. Real bummer about usb connection, hope you can buy one over there!
    and correction- its FREEZING here!!!
    Loving the blog cant wait to hear more!
    Love you all lots and lots

  3. Glad to hear that you arrived safely.
    Travel tip, place squishy cushion under upper thighs so that less weight on botty!
    Welcome to the world of WiFi searching.

    Enjoy your journey.
    Rex & Liane
