Thursday 7 July 2011

Day 15 & 16 London

Late breakfast and off to the train station for a 300km/hr train ride to London on the Eurostar.  For the first time in two weeks we could actually converse with a service provider so had a really long chat with the taxi driver on the way to the hotel. 

Picked a bit of the London Hop On Hop Off bus service, instead of pre recorded descriptions they have a live presenter on board that spices up the commentary with jokes and history – as we are to find out London is a great place to visit.

The following day we had to wait for a particular bus so lost heaps of time, then spent hours on the bus in a crazy traffic jam.  That turned what should have been a quick visit to Holy Trinity Church (where they started the Alpha program) into a bit of chaos, Caroline got a bit agro and to make matters worse the Church wasn’t open even to have a look. 

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