Monday 25 July 2011

Day 35

Today was planned as a bit of a drive up to North Yorkshire, but was to be interrupted by a couple of stops.  First up was The Donnington Collection which happens to be the largest collection of Grand Prix cars in the world.  The collection is magnificently presented with histories on the cars, on drivers, on races – anything connected with Formula One Grand Prix racing.  1930 model Auto Unions, Ferrari’s, McLaren’s, Williams’ cars from all different years.

After we continued initially aiming for York but we thought of a change and decided upon Scarborough.  All well and good but the darned satnav thingy went to sleep (just froze up and didn’t update after a certain point), we therefore had a longish drive on some average roads following two tractors and lots of very slow drivers. 

We therefore arrived at the sea side city of Scarborough very late for lunch but the chosen destination ran out of food – so we had a quick look around the once magnificent castle, now in ruins and continued on.
Scarborough Castle

Scarborough beach, it is 20 degrees outside and there are people swimming in the North Sea.  Summer in the UK is so strange!

Sleep tonight is at Walworth Castle which was originally developed around 1150ad.  It is developed into a smallish, specialist hotel but the rooms are decorated to retain the feeling to some degree.  

We are on the third floor of the turret and as you can see Caroline & I have a 4 poster bed, much to the girls disdain they are on camp beds in the living rooms, at least they are seperate because in a lot of places they have had to sleep together and fight over the doona!!!   They are a little worried cos a story told in Stratford Upon Avon yesterday explained that four poster beds got there lids so that people did not wake up eating mice or birds that had fallen from the thatched roof. They are concerned un necessarily because we actually have a plaster roof. Anything to try get the parents to give up the 4 poster bed... as if!!!!

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