Saturday 30 July 2011

Day 39

Windsor Castle was our target after we checked out of our High Wycombe apartment.  Nice and close and we got there early to have our pick of the car parking spots.

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and one of the residences for Her Majesty the Queen.  When in residence her personal flag flies above the ‘round tower’, today it wasn’t.

We watched the Changing Of The Guard ceremony from good vantage points. How do those Sentry Guards manage to keep straight faces and put up with tourists like us standing beside them having our photo taken? The military and their training I guess?

A walk around this massive Castle still had Caroline going look at the history in this place, look at how it has stood the test of time, weather, wars, preservation of the art including Tapestries, Paintings, Carvings, stone work the list goes on and on. This side of the world really knows how to do the tourist thing very well. We walked around the castle with our own audio unit available in many languages, staff with a sense of humour when Caroline asked for Australian the guy just said “…well, turn the unit upside down or listen to it on your head”??

Adventure of a lifetime coming fast to an end and how well to end it with….the car being clamped!!! We returned 15 minutes past our ticket time and we were clamped make a call and pay   £120. When the guys came to unclamp us we wee just chatting about finishing our holiday on a hi note, they laughed and said that the fine lasted until 9am tomorrow so we cold stay in the park for free and go shopping if we wanted!!!! We left, good thing Wally says ‘cos now Caroline is rethinking the staying here idea.

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