Friday 8 July 2011

Day 18

Off to see Madame Tassaud’s today but after some hassle getting there we found a massive line of people that we were told would be two and a half hours just to get tickets.  No thanks, that didn’t sound like much fun so we decided to do something else.

Off to Harrods but then got the shock at the hideous prices being charged, ah well another well laid plan out the window., been there done that did NOT get the T-Shirt. A crystal big cat for  sale for just 32,000 pounds!! Ordered 2, yeah right!!! So some food at Macca’s and then by bus to Picadilly Circus where the girls found a place to get their nails done.  Wally made a singular dash for the hotel by underground, the three girls finally getting home an hour and a half later, all very pleased with themselves after the manicure etc.

While the two youngest of the group went to the steam room, the two oldies (hey who are you calling oldies???) went off to enjoy the London Eye.  The night was finished with a late dinner at the hotel restaurant.  Yum.

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