Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 37

Rain again and 12 degrees so we decided on a train trip on the NYMR (North Yorkshire Moors Railway) from Pickering to Grosmont via Goathland.  Travelling along the valleys between the rolling moors this is a travelling museum on how railways used to be but is also well used by locals as there transport route down to Whitby, consequently the trains are jammed packed with locals and tourists alike – 7 large carriages full to the brim with passengers hauled by a fabulous British Railway steam loco. Because the train was so full coming back and because we were standing up the conductor sent us to the First class carriage at no extra cost…. Bonus!!

By the time the rail journey was over the weather had cleared so we ventured to see Robin Hood’s Bay.  Parking was impossible so here I let Caroline out of the car with the camera while the rest of us drove around for a while. She had been recommended to go see this amazing classic English fishing village, very steep descent so apparently she did not go all the way down but still appears to have got some OK shots to give the idea. So many great places here, so many villages with such old buildings, Australia has nothing against here.
Robin Hood Bay


Nearly time to come home, currently the ratio  is 3 to 1 ready to get back, 1 who just loves it here and we have to distract her big time to get her on that plane!!! Oh well better start saving to do another trip, sooner rather than later.

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