Wednesday 20 July 2011

Day 26

Today Callie and Wally saw the RED ARROWS.  The “Reds” are the Royal Air Force aerobatic display team and one of the three best-known teams in the world. Nine Hawk jets performing stunning aerial manoeuvres were just fantastic. If we had come all the way from Australia and only saw the Red Arrows it would have been worth it even if we saw nothing else.  

Add to that we also saw the Il Frecce Tricolori (the Italian equivalent with 10 Machhi jets) that did a different routine and were equally impressive.  

All morning it rained and rained and rained which shortened the programme somewhat but once the flying began it was great.  Lots of noise, lots of speed, lots of colour.  Also saw the only flying Avro Vulcan British bomber from the 50’s and 60’s (big, impressive), fast jest F16’s from Belgium, Rafael from France, SAAB Gripen from Sweden, Typhon and Tornado’s from the UK, A10 Thunderbolt 2 from the US etc. The UK Chinook did a great display.  

Lots of great aircraft on static display too.

At the end of the display we walked around a bit and then both went in a Red Arrows simulator so got to have a bit of a feel for what the pilots go through, great fun.

Dunno what Caroline and Braedy did but we saw the Red Arrows!!!!!

Well Braedy and Caroline had a very slow start to the day, after Wally & Callie headed off when they found their tickets which wasted 1/2 hour looking. Laid in bed until 10am, got up had a shower, brekky, did washing and drying. Eventually Braedy surfaced, we wandered slowly down the street an did what girls do best……shopping, there were lots of sales on. Also found an art & craft market where Braedy found some gifts.

Lunch in a shopping complex, slow wander back to apartment. Caroline had a bath, did some more washing and drying. Us girls then spent some time watching 2 very contrasting movies Slum Dog Millionaire, what a heavy movie with a very real message about corruption and survival in India, educated me big time. I then prepared tea waiting for the others to get back from their adventure, while watching Mama Mia. I think Wally was wishing they got back about 30 minutes later, he did not enjoy the movie at all in fact he laughed so much out of disgust at the singing. Caroline has confirmed Greece is next on her agenda!!! Braedy and I just felt it was a good light-hearted fun movie especially after the other one we had watched.

Lazy night watching Michael McIntyre, very funny English comedian our Thomas introduced us to.  Tomorrow being another day continuing on our adventures, hopefully meeting my baby brother Jason and his family.
Night, night all.
Wally, Caroline, Braedy & Girls.

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