Thursday 7 July 2011

Day 17 Tower of London, Paul, Covent Gardens, West End Theatre

Wake up late and missed the hotel breakfast so the girls had fish and chips for brunch, Wally & I a brekky of sausage, egg, baked beans toast and bacon. 

Welcome to England rain, rain, rain.  Had not packed jackets ‘cos we left room in our cases for shopping so we brought clear plastic ponchos to go with our cheap souvenir blow inside out umbrellas!! Ah well, can’t complain too much as we have had great weather up till now. 

Grab a taxi to the Tower of London and spend a few hours wandering around – the Brits must be a bit quoi about they beheadings as very little about that but plenty on all the other gory stuff they did to certain prisoners.  Then of course a slow walk past the jewels of the crown  (something Caroline has been in a queue for nearly 42 years!!!)– a huge vault where all the Queens goodies are kept, pretty impressive although not the sort of thing you would wear around the house to do the chores…..

Caroline’s brother Paul surprised her by turning up at the hotel so had a good chat then went out to dinner with him at Covent Gardens. 

A quick decision to catch a real West End show saw us out to see a live performance of “Chicago” at the Cambridge Theatre.  Darn good show that.  Music was excellent and individual performances great.

We have found through our contact with taxi drivers and bus people that the English have a wonderful sense of humour.  There is the odd ‘Whinging Pom’ but in general we have been able to have some great laughs with those we contact.

Tomorrow is our last day in London before we trek up to Birmingham, well that’s what my brother thinks, we Aussies are not scared of distance.

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