Sunday 10 July 2011


The day has dawned, too early, brekky, amazing B & B the host offered to do our washing, how cool was that? We are now caught up for the first time since our trip, no sorry there is now another pile!! But hey it’s not as big as it was.

Off to check out Caroline’s old house today, found it no worries did not want to knock on the door too early because it was Sunday. Drove to old School into the School grounds and it has not changed at all, well maybe at some stage it has had a coat of paint but I could not tell the difference.

A trip to Cadbury World followed a very well laid out place where you go on a tour which actually takes about 1 and a half hours, a lot of fun and very educational. And yes we did buy chocolate. Wally has learnt on this trip that chocolate is necessary when travelling with the girls??

After wandering around Cadbury for the me we were there it was off back to my old house. No one home. Wally took a photo of me outside the house as the neighbours looked on suspiciously  I knocked on the door to explain what I was doing to discover that her sister in law lives in Inverloch. Did not ask for any names thought that Pastor Dave or the Burchett”s could research from that end? Hope to pop back tomorrow and try again.

Our daughter in law to be comes from Coventry so a call to her Grandparents on her Dad’s side left us with an invite to come for dinner, our first home made meal since our adventure began. Sandra amazed us with roast chicken and about 6 different vegies followed by pavlova, strawberries and cream. After dinner the other set of Grandparents on the mothers side called around with an auntie and her daughter. It was great to meet them and I hope we will see them again maybe in Australia for Byron & Lauren’s wedding next year sometime.

Back to our B & B to a pile of lovely clean washing.

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